When Jesus was on earth, He continually invited people, "Come to Me", and "Follow Me". The Faith-Life Jesus taught and modelled is at its core, relational, with Him. But He also then challenged His Followers (Disciples), "Go ... walking with Me, to share this Good News of God's Eternal Purpose with others."
A lot of main-stream Christian religion has, over the centuries, diverged a long-way from the Faith-Life that Jesus taught and practiced, and therefore often misrepresents Who God really IS !
So, while we have along way to go, we want to be intentional in putting into practice His teachings and example. Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. ... And if the Son sets you free, you will experience True freedom." (John 8:31-36).